Supporting physical activity through co-production in people with severe mental ill health.


People with severe mental ill health die on average 15-20 years earlier than those in the general population and the main cause of these early deaths is due to preventable physical diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. One of the ways that people can improve their physical health and reduce their chances of developing cardiovascular disease or diabetes is by taking part in physical activity. 


SPACES is a research project whose aim is to develop an intervention to help people with severe mental ill health to become more active. The project is a collaboration between researchers and people with lived experience of severe mental ill health. Researchers from the University of York, Leeds, Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam, Northumbria and King’s College London along with Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS have worked with people with lived experience to explore the barriers and facilitators to people with severe mental ill health taking part in physical activity. Based on the findings from these workshops the team are preparing a funding application to develop an intervention to help people with severe mental ill health become more active. 

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The cause-and-effect (fishbone) diagram is a powerful brainstorming tool that helps identify the causes behind an observed effect.
This diagram combines the fishbone diagram with the 5 whys technique? asking “why” five times? to identify why online customer orders are not being shipped correctly.

Example Fishbone diagram. Click image to enlarge.

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Pro tip: Before you create new lines, navigate to the page settings menu on the dock (right-hand toolbar) and turn off line connections.


The project was supported by funding from the White Rose University Consortium .